Specializing in training practitioners and advising senior leaders 

Four Ways to Engage With Hektor Global Compliance Consulting Plus


The Book. Order a copy of Building and Maintaining a Global OFAC Sanctions ProgramA Handbook for Practitioners to use as a workbook for self-study or working group studies. If you’d like to share the book with others or use it as a training tool for your team, discounts on bulk orders are available. 

For more information on the book, download the Table of Contents, the Intro, and Chapter One here. 


Keynotes. Hektor speaks on a variety of topics and to various audiences. Her engaging and deeply informative presentations can be tailored to the individual needs of your organization, group, or conference. Here’s a sampling of her keynote offerings:

  • What U.S. and International Banks and Financial Institutions Can and Should Do to Combat Terrorism
  • “Is My Company at Risk for an OFAC Violation?” How to Find Out…and What to Do If the Answer Is Yes
  • Staying in Compliance: How to Manage Your Institution’s OFAC/Sanctions Risk
  • Hamas, Russia, China…and You: What Every Business Needs to Know About the Latest Sanction Laws
  • How Effective Are U.S. Sanctions? Common Evasion Techniques and What to Do About Them
  • Sanction Violation Red Flags: How to Tell If a Client, Partner, or Other Stakeholder Is Engaging in a Risky Transaction


OFAC/Sanctions Training and Workshops. Hektor provides individual training, either online or in person, on a U.S. domestic and/or global level. Her one-on-one training sessions and workshops are tailored for the following participants: 

  • Boards of Directors
  • Senior Executives
  • General Counsels
  • Chief Compliance Officers/Heads of Financial Crime Units
  • Compliance Professionals
  • General/Frontline Employees


Consulting Services. Hektor provides individual consulting services on OFAC/sanctions and other compliance topics, offering solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of your organization. 

If you’re interested in working with Doris Hektor in any of the above capacities, please contact her at [email protected]. She will gladly work with you to customize any keynote, training session/workshop, or consulting engagement.